
Nope. I didn't go anywhere, I am still here in this crowded city called Jakarta. My mind, though, wanders each time it has the opportunity, flying back and forth to Berlin, Sydney, Santorini, and sometimes, to the place I call my own. Should you miss me (I really hope you do), my full time job as a fashion reporter has practically taken a major part of my life, so this blog comes second (or third). It is still fun, nonetheless, to finally be able to serve the real readers with my little expertise in fashion *wink.

Australia (Sydney in particular), despite of its close proximity to the country I live in, provides quite a solid platform for emerging designers which reminds me of London and Antwerp, with sunny days addition. It is MBFWA (Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia) a.k.a the yearly fashion week, one event that brings the fashion insiders and soon-to-be-insiders together to show what they really got.

images source: Russh, Badlands, Style Bubble

Three highlights I find myself stumbled upon: Watson x Watson, Romance Was Born, and We Are Handsome. That tiger swimming suit is asking me to join him. Kidding. Hopefully I will be able to talk more about these collections soon!

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