
These past few days I have been pretty much occupied with a little project of mine--theatre. If you read my past posts, I spent an up-and-down six months living in Germany, did my internship there and struggled my ass around the corners of tantalizing cities of Germany. So yes, I spoke just enough amount of German for me to survive and when I got back to Indonesia, I continue learning the language, so it would not simply vanish. An institution where I take my Saturday morning class (it really is früh) gave me and my friends in class a chance to perform a simple play for the internal closing party (I am not sure how they call the event in English :p). 

Long story short, I came up with an idea for a drama, wrote the story, and ended up directing the play. I did not do all by myself, of course, a lot of members of the team really are really supportive during the process, they tweaked the story and made it even lively as I am a mere amateur who has not performed in any theatre play for the past seven years. During my junior high school years I involved in a lot of school plays and wrote a short script for a comedy drama, but after those fun times in drama club, my life took another turn and kind of put acting aside. So when my German teacher asked us to do a play, my heart was thrilled and despite all the constraints--time, energy, creativity, commitment, etc etc, our performance last Saturday was definitely not a disappointing one. We practiced only around one and a half months before the show, and to be honest, it was hard since none of us have solid theatre background (me neither). Credits goes to the whole class who have put enormous efforts during the rehearsal and especially, our German teacher who has given a great opportunity for us to perform and delivered constant support as well as inspired us to go beyond our limits.

photos are from Monik and Hanna

If you see horrific faces, it is because the play is about ghosts who lose identity :p I cannot wait to see the recording and yes, the make up and costume are made by us as well. No, not me, but there are numbers of talented and determined persons who were kind and devoted to create the whole costume and make up for the ghosts :) Really wish I can do similar things regularly, it was really a blast and my heart is really longing for some stage time :) It is really like a sanctuary, where I can be free to express myself and enjoy the moment... Until another great day, folks! 

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