
A real good style lesson I can definitely learn from Kristen Stewart is that, despite of her quirky, awkward gestures, she always seems to look laid back and totally comfortable. Another plus point, her hair is most of the time messy and she even messes it up with her hands when she feels like doing so (which is, a lot) yet she rocks it. At times, I can really appreciate someone who spends just the right amount of time in front of the mirror to straighten, blow, or curl their hair but many times, natural look wins. Similar formula applies to dressing--seeing girls who are having trouble walking in sky high heels is kinda painful, while those who ignorantly throw on their sneakers with dresses or skirts are kinda cool to me :p (please note the trouble part).

tumblr, just jared
A thin t-shirt and denim shorts or a red Yigal Azrouel short dress (sorry there, I really thought it was Proenza until I checked it out first before typing) with sneakers are Stewart's recipe and I can totally understand why. The combo is comfortable. And she doesn't care. That's it. A woman should own such attitude within--no, not being don't care whether you look appropriate or not, but being don't care about too much negativity and too much polished appearance.
Some of you might accuse me of being so two years ago by posting her 2009 MTV Movie Awards red carpet look so I redeem it by sharing you a brand Kristen (and us) might love, A.Y. Not Dead.
Gotta sign out now because I have a pretty important interview tomorrow. Will be back with (hopefully) a good news soon! :)

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